Perfect Golden Crunch

Panjiri is a superfood treasured for generations, especially for new mothers in the subcontinent. Made with wholesome ingredients Panjiri is renowned for its energy-boosting properties, dietary fiber, essential fats, and digestive qualities. Loved by both women and men, it stands as a testament to my Nano's artistry—a labor of love passed down through generations.

Experience the enchantment of Panjiri, a snack that's truly extraordinary. With every delightful crunch, you'll unlock its irresistible appeal and discover why it's a treat like no other.

Prepared fresh in small batches biweekly. Contact for bulk orders, sample sizes or party favors.

List Of Ingredients


Pregnant & Nursing mothers

  • Rich Nutrient Profile: The combination of lentils, almonds, and seeds in panjiri delivers a wealth of essential nutrients, including protein, iron, folate, and healthy fats. These nutrients support the increased requirements during pregnancy and breastfeeding, aiding in maternal health and baby's development.

  • Energy and Satiety: The blend of ingredients such as ghee, coconut, and brown cane sugar provides a balanced mix of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and natural sugars. This helps maintain steady energy levels and keeps hunger at bay, which is crucial for expectant or nursing mothers.

  • Lactation Support: Certain components like Tragacanth Gum (commonly used in panjiri) have traditionally been linked to improved milk production in nursing mothers. These ingredients, combined with the overall nourishing nature of panjiri, can potentially enhance milk supply and quality.

Active people of all ages

  • Nutrient-Dense: The diverse mix of ingredients in panjiri provides a wide array of essential nutrients, including proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. These components contribute to overall health and well-being for individuals of all ages.

  • Sustained Energy: Panjiri's balanced composition of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins offers a steady release of energy. This is particularly valuable for maintaining optimal energy levels throughout the day, benefiting both active individuals and growing kids.

  • Versatile Nourishment: The adaptable nature of panjiri makes it suitable for various age groups. Whether it's providing an energy boost for adults, supporting growth for children, or offering nourishment during different life stages, panjiri's ingredient combination caters to the nutritional needs of everyone.

Ways to Enjoy

  • Snack

    Eat it as is - with a spoonful

  • Smoothie Bowls

    Add them for that perfect breakfast

  • Toastastic

    On a toast with your favorite butter and cream.

  • Chocolate Barks


  • Sidekick

    To all your Hot drinks

  • Chunky Banana

    Make your protein snacks extra crunchy